Netflix Viewers Totally Missed An Entire Bandersnatch Plot Line

Photo: Courtesy of NEtflix.
Thought you exhausted all possible twists in Netflix's choose-your-own-adventure story Bandersnatch? The streaming service has news: You haven't.
However, before you spend another three hours diving into Charlie Brooker's brainchild to make sure coder Stefan (Fionn Whitehead) goes down the darkest path possible, Netflix has one big clue for you.
On Tuesday, the official Twitter account for Netflix UK & Ireland wrote one very cheeky tweet that blew the minds of Bandersnatch fans.
The tweet read: "think you've seen everything there is to see in bandersnatch? try picking up the family photo, ~twice~"
Fans who had not picked up the family photo twice freaked.
Some felt compelled to start the movie all over again. Others couldn't believe that they missed something in the first place. And others simply did not have the patience to try to find this alternative path.
If you can't find your way back to Bandersnatch, good news: Thanks to a savvy Bandersnatch fan, we know what this particular set of choices actually does.
In a video published Wednesday, YouTuber deffinition explains that the secret path involves Stefan interacting with Jerome F. Davies (Jeff Minter, a real video game designer), the author of Bandersnatch.
"For those who go back and pick up the [family] photo again, they will be treated to a dream scene where Jerome F. Davies appears and forces Stefan to retread his steps and go back to pick up the book, forcing him on the right path," explains the video.
This particular Black Mirror ending also offers some scares:
"The scene offers more than that with Jerome stabbing Stefan, which, if you have the volume turned up, will make you jump out of your seat," the video adds.
This ending is seemingly confirmed by other Twitter users, who cite Davies as an important part of this path.
Want to see this ending for yourself? The only way is to fall back down the rabbit hole and make a bunch of bad choices. But at least you know which ones matter.

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