The Golden Globes Spelled John Legend’s Name Wrong

Poor John Legend. The La La Land actor arrived at his assigned Golden Globes table, only to find that his name had been spelled wrong. Obviously, wife Chrissy Teigen was quick to post the moment to Twitter with an appropriately adorable caption: "Bahahaha loser."
Take notes, kids. That is what true love looks like. Apparently, the members Hollywood Foreign Press are the only people on the planet who aren't obsessed with John Legend and Chrissy Teigen. For future reference, it's Legend, like the epic tale, not Ledgend, like...I'm not sure what. As of now, Legend hasn't commented on the flub. But hey, he's classy like that. And honestly, when you've got Blake Lively snapping casual pics of you killing it on the red carpet, you're pretty much set fame-wise.

Red carpet relaxation. Photo by @blakelively

A photo posted by John Legend (@johnlegend) on

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