Westworld‘s Jimmi Simpson Breaks Down The Giant Orgy (You Know The One)

John P. Johnson/HBO
Sunday's episode of Westworld, the first season's fifth, was the big ole orgy that served as its climactic moment. Jimmi Simpson's William has so far been the most timid of the players on the show, and the most recent episode was no exception. His moral indignation at robot fucking seems increasingly justified as Dolores, in particular, becomes much more human. So he stood by at the gigantic orgy in the middle of Westworld. Simpson had some thoughts about filming the orgy. Mainly, "That was weird!" "Yeah, of course," Simpson tells Vulture. "It's bizarre, dude! They send out the flyers saying, 'Hey, would you get naked on film?' Then the people that are there that night are all the people that said, 'I will.' It's a bunch of proud, naked, human adults, in a room together. Some are made-up, some have gold genitals even, or are wearing masks of animals. They're all there, and they're glad to be there. It's just like they were all wearing T-shirts and jeans, but instead of T-shirts and jeans, they had naked bodies." Sounds like a completely relaxed time. Just calmly being nude in front of millions of paying subscribers to HBO. Simpson attributes William's reluctance to engage in the more base pleasures of the park to a multilayered series of reasons. "I think it comes down to responsibility, most of all," Simpson tells Vulture. "It's just something that everybody overlooks. It's something that a lot of people don't really think about much these days. For some reason there's this idea of 'me,' and 'I should be able to do whatever I want. I'm a human. If I want that, and if you think I'm being bitchy, well, don't be a hater.' I was raised by humans who are now in their 70s." There's no substitute for experience, we guess. One day you'll be rocking on your wicker chair on the front porch and telling your son about the moral hazards of sex robots. One day. Check out the rest of the interview here.

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