Taylor Swift Just Revealed A Major Mystery About Her Look

Photo: Broadimage/REX/Shutterstock.
When Taylor Swift isn't busy working out to Drake and Future's "Jumpman," she's apparently getting ready to go out to the tune of Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle." At least, that's what Apple Music wants you to think. In the brand's latest commercial, the singer channels that universal moment when we're primping in our bathrooms alone, pretending to be pop stars. But instead of using a hair brush as her faux microphone of choice, she picks up her iconic red lipstick(s). As only T.Swift would. Blink and you might miss it, but the minute-long video reveals snippets of what the internet has been racking its collective brain over for some time now: how, and with what, exactly, Taylor Swift creates her signature red lip (classic thing that you like). There are blog posts and Reddit threads dedicated to tracking down the source, so this is a pretty serious the beauty world, at least. Swift once divulged that she's an avid fan of MAC's Ruby Woo and NARS' Dragon Girl Velvet Matte Lip Pencil, but this doesn't appear to be either of the two. Here's what we know: She uses a brush to apply the crimson hue (which appears to be a regular ol' angled paintbrush, a hack that many makeup artists swear by), and then layers on two different shades — one of which appears to be from Lipstick Queen's Velvet Rope collection, judging by the golden tube. The other bullet looks like a toss-up between a red shade from NARS' Pure Matte Lipstick line, Surratt Beauty's Automatique Lip Crayon, and Bite Beauty's Matte Crème Lip Crayon. Before smacking her lips together, she uses them to lip-sync rather aggressively to popular middle school songs. So, basically, she's all of us.

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