This Company Has A Period Policy

While some may think "Aunt Flo coming to town" isn't office chitchat, one U.K. business says otherwise. Not only does the company welcome ladies talking about their periods in the workplace, but Coexist, a community venue, allows its workers to take time off when Flo's in town. Managers of the company — based in Bristol, England's sixth-largest city — said the period policy, which goes into effect March 15, just made sense. "I have managed many female members of staff over the years, and I have seen women at work who are bent over double because of the pain caused by their periods," Bex Baxter, a director at the company, told local paper Bristol Post. "Despite this, they feel they cannot go home because they do not class themselves as unwell…If someone is in pain — no matter what kind — they are encouraged to go home." Baxter said Coexist is not anticipating anyone taking advantage of the new perk, and she thinks it could increase work productivity. The company shared the news on its Facebook page this week and got a few comments, with a mix of responses. "What an amazing policy! You are paving the way for truly supportive employers. It is not 'just' a period for many women," one commenter said. "Thank you for fighting the (often) misogynistic society we live in. I wish my organisation would adopt this! - sadly I teach so I doubt very much that this would be adopted as we're not allowed time off during term time." One male commenter didn't think much of the initiative: "I'm sorry but this is lefty bollocks, there is pain relief tablets etc, what next men having time off for a shaving rash?" The policy isn't mandatory, but optional, Baxter says. The company might be pioneering the period policy in this British city, but it's actually not something entirely unheard of. Japan's had a similar policy in place since 1947. Other countries in Asia also offer some flexibility to women, such as Taiwan, South Korea, and Indonesia.

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