This Might Be The Most Uncomfortable Celebrity Interview We’ve Seen All Year

Today, R. Kelly appeared on Huffington Post Live to promote his new album, The Buffet. But while Kelly assured interviewer Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani that he has "love for her," things got pretty awkward between the two by the end of the exchange. The interview started calmly, with Modarressy-Tehrani posing fan-tweeted questions, like one that asked Kelly about future collaborations with his daughter. She then moved on to more serious topics, asking what Kelly would say to his fans who are "conflicted" — those who love his music, but remember the allegations against him (that he has had sex with minors multiple times). Kelly, after making sure swearing was indeed allowed on the streaming program, responded with "fuck that." He explained that he's greeted by adoring fans all over the world. Things only got more heated from there, with Modarressy-Tehrani trying to push the line of questioning, and Kelly continuing to dismiss the subject. After less than 20 minutes, Kelly walked off the set, saying, "This interview is over." Apparently R. wasn't ready to face the critics — or the serious allegations against him.

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