Aziz Ansari Just Made Us Melt With This Sweet Message About His Dad

Photo: Andrew Walker/Variety/REX Shutterstock.
Aziz Ansari doesn't generally veer toward moments of sentimental candor. But when he does, it's definitely worth listening. The newly minted Netflix star gave a shout-out to his dad on Facebook today that pretty much turned our hearts into giant puddles. The message reminded us of the sacrifices so many parents make for their kiddos — and not just during the adolescent years, but when those children are actually grown-ass adults. "My dad took off most of his vacation time for the year to act in Master of None. So I'm really relieved this all worked out," Ansari wrote. But the creative mastermind was also floored when he realized just why his dad decided to make a Hollywood debut. "This is all fun and I liked acting in the show," papa Ansari apparently said to his son, "But I really just did it so I could spend more time with you." If that's not true love, we don't know what is. (Tissue, please.) "I almost instantly collapsed into tears at the thought of how much this person cares about me and took care of me and gave me everything to give me the amazing life I have," the Parks and Recreation actor wrote. "I felt like a total piece of garbage for all the times I haven't visited my parents and told them I wanted to stay in New York cause I'd get bored in [South Carolina]. I'm an incredibly lucky person and many of you are as well." Duly noted. And — now we're sniffling and dialing up our folks. Read his message in full, below.

My dad took off most of his vacation time for the year to act in Master of None. So I'm really relieved this all worked...

Posted by Aziz Ansari on Wednesday, November 11, 2015

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