Ashley Judd Blasts Twitter Trolls, Will Press Charges Over Threats

Photo: Picture Perfect/REX USA.

Ashley Judd has put the Twitter goons verbally abusing and
threatening her on blast, telling NBC correspondent Craig Melvin on Today that she will be
pressing charges. On Sunday, the actress was watching the basketball game between
the Arkansas Razorbacks and the Kentucky Wildcats when she was moved to tweet, "I
think Arkansas is playing dirty."

Well, that was just too crazy for fans to deal with, so
naturally they turned to verbal abuse and threats of rape. The sort of insults and threats flung at Judd will turn your
stomach, but sadly, they won't shock anyone who's witnessed the sort of gendered,
sexual vitriol
 on social media.   

"The amount of gender violence that I experienced is
absolutely extraordinary," Judd told Melvin. "And, a
significant part of my day today will be spent filing police reports at home
about gender violence that's directed at me on social media." 

Earlier this week, Judd told MSNBC's Thomas Roberts, "In
my impassioned game moment, I said something that, if I were in a more calm
state of mind, I might have phrased differently." But, why should she have to tone down her tweets just to avoid being called the C word on Twitter? (The Hollywood Reporter)     

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