Chanel poncho like tonto ❄️❄️❄️

A photo posted by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on

Is Drake — usually a jeans and a black T-shirt kind of guy — turning into a dandy? Well, maybe not quite, but dude has been sporting some eccentric fashions of late that would make even André 3000, not to mention Kanye, jealous. First, the world's most sensitive man donned a Kevin Hart hat and purple robe while noshing on some room-service cheese. That couldn't possibly have prepared us for @champagnepapi's latest sartorial gambit: a poncho. A poncho!
Of course, this wasn't just any fringed cape, but a "Chanel poncho like Tonto" — Drake's rhyming and not-slightly insensitive Instagram caption explained. He wore it over a gray hoodie, which is something even this seasoned fashion writer has never seen before. No word yet on whether this heralds a complete, Clint Eastwood-inspired makeover for Drake, but our kudos on a truly original look. Your move, Kanye.

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