Ben Affleck Says Yes To Nudity, No To Yankees Hat

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Everyone is talking about Ben Affleck's nudity in his role for Gone Girl. But, the actor himself told ABC News it's nothing to get excited about. "You should know it was very cold," he said.
In fact, instead of focusing on Affleck's weiner, consider the real cause for celebration here: Affleck, true Bostonian that he is, refused to wear a Yankees hat for the film. Apparently, he and director David Fincher had a "legitimate fight" about it.
During a scene in which Affleck's character is trying to avoid attention at an NYC airport, he puts on a baseball cap. Fincher thought a Yankees hat would be in keeping with the story, but Affleck was having none of it.
"I said, 'David, I love you, I would do anything for you, but I will not wear a Yankees hat," he told The New York Times. "I just can't. I can't wear it because it's going to become a thing, David. I will never hear the end of it. I can't do it.' And I couldn't put it on my head."
Anyone from the greater Boston area knows this is true. You cannot wear a Yankees hat, period. For one thing, it would likely light on fire once it grazed your head. More importantly, you cannot let your Boston grandmother see you in that Yankees hat.
"It was an uprising; it was a coup, I rioted. It was a one-man riot against the Yankees," Affleck told the Times. They compromised with a Mets cap — a move Affleck calls "very Switzerland."
If you listen closely, you can hear the the unanimous cheers from Red Sox Nation. Also, this. (The New York Times)

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