Kim Kardashian West Goes ‘Broom Broom’

My oh my, what a day it is! The weather is finally cool enough that you can enjoy a pumpkin spice latte, and somewhere in Australia, Kim Kardashian West is in her mum's car checking out the Yeezus pop-up shop.
The Yeezus shop is secondary to this story, however. It doesn't really matter where Kim Kardashian West made a funny. What matters is that she did.
I don't keep up with the Kardashians, but based on the GIFs I've nonsensically liked on Tumblr, I'm pretty sure Kim isn't known for being hip to the ironic Internet beat. Sure, she's the (ahem) butt of many an ironic Internet gag, but rarely is she delivering one.
As the sun rose on the East Coast, however, Kardashian West shared an Instagram of a Fuji Instax picture that earned her a gold Internet star. Beneath a photo of a motorcycle was a two-word caption: "broom broom." Somewhere in England, Tish Simmonds', the original mommy car hijacker, celebrity rose. Kim gets it. She keeps up with the Internet.
Now, we wait with bated breath for Yeezy's take on the meme: "Broom (Broom) 2."
Photo: via @kimkardashian.

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