Meet Josh Earnest, The New White House Press Secretary

Video: Courtesy of Politico.
It was a busy first day on the job for brand-new White House press secretary Josh Earnest, whose inaugural briefing ended in a bit of controversy after several reporters felt they were misled by the new presidential mouthpiece. Despite the shaky start, Earnest found the time to sit down with Politico's Mike Allen for the popular Open Mike interview series.
Earnest's duties as press secretary mean that he'll spend most of his time fielding some of the toughest questions in the business. That's what makes his sit-down with Miller so refreshing. These questions are about as light as they come.
For instance, what was the first thing Earnest did on Monday? "Took a little Instagram photo," he replied. As for the best perk of the job? "Probably the parking spot."
Clearly, Earnest has a sense of humor, which should come in handy on the challenging days that lay ahead. Check out his entire Open Mike chat above. As an aside to Hollywood, we just thought of a great addition to the Earnest Goes To movies we loved in the '90s.
Photo: REX USA/Rex.

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