James Murphy’s Subway Soundtrack Goes Like This

New York City's subway system has a lot of noises. Among them, you'll hear the gargled announcements of conductors, a high-pitched screeching of an arriving train, and a series of turnstile beeps — that last one really drives LCD Soundsystem mastermind James Murphy crazy. And, he sees an opportunity to replace the cacophony with music. Wouldn't that make everyone's morning commute a little more delightful?

Though he announced his petition in November, Murphy has now released a video with the Wall Street Journal to talk about his project in more detail.
The MTA thinks it's a cool project, but not necessarily worth the hassle of altering all the turnstiles, or the extra money to install Murphy's music. There's also the issue of the tones currently in place: They operate on a three-tone system to assist the blind (didn't know that!).

Murphy was unable to even get a meeting to discuss the project with Bloomberg when he was in office. Now, he's hoping de Blasio will be more open to the idea, since the turnstile replacements set to take place by 2019 offer the perfect opportunity to simultaneously install the music. Check out the video, where you can hear actual sound bites of what Murphy has in mind for our subway stations. If it's successful, maybe you'll see fewer commuters rocking earbuds. (Consequence Of Sound)
Photo: Gregory Pace/BEImages.

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