New York’s Newest Zoo Babies Will Thaw Your Frozen Heart

rexusa_832133aPhoto: Mike Walker/Rex USA.
Fact: The Polar Vortex owned us. We wore layers upon layers of clothing. We tested the varied uses of hair dryers. And, as we wondered if our socks would double as an auxiliary pair of gloves, we began to feel that we may never be warm again. Now, as we begin to slowly thaw out, we have restored hope of brighter, less-frigid days ahead. And, though you're likely starting to feel a comfortable temperature outside, we'd like to work on bringing your insides back to warm, fuzzy levels. And, here to help are the new baby zoo animals you can now find on view around New York City.
Among the newest additions are three demoiselle cranes and five Chinese big-headed turtles. The Queens Zoo just welcomed a baby southern pudu, who won't ever grow bigger than 14 inches (stop it). Four California sea lions made their way to the Queens and Prospect Park Zoos, and one female was recently born at the Bronx Zoo. Most exciting, though, is the addition of snow leopard cubs at the Central Park Zoo.
While a report on zoo babies may not feel like the most pressing news item of your day, may we remind you that there is nothing more timely than zoo babies. After all, they're only babies for a short while, so be sure to catch them while they're still cute and cuddly. (The New York Times)