1 New Way To Seriously Help Someone Today (& Beyond)

The holiday season always puts us in a giving mood, whether that means buying a gingerbread latte for the person behind us at Starbucks, kicking a few bucks toward someone's Kickstarter, or showing love for the street musicians on our morning commute. Smiles all around, right?
Now imagine the warm glow you'd get from actually making a major impact in a person's life. That's the idea behind Benevolent, a new site that acts as a sort of Kickstarter for those in need — we're talking rent and other basic necessities here, not getting someone's ukulele cover band off the ground.
Benevolent focuses on helping disadvantaged individuals overcome one-time obstacles — say, paying for a uniform in order to get a job or taking care of car repairs to get to and from work. Users can come together to pitch in and lend financial support, paving the way for independence and a brighter start.
Anyone else got the warm fuzzies?

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