Catviar: The How-To Video That’s More Ridiculous Than Opulent

There are some people in the world who treat their animals better than they treat other human beings. These kinds of people carry their pets in designer carryalls, wrap crystal-studded collars around their furry necks, and walk them with Hermes leashes. Some even have famed chefs cook up feasts fancier than Fancy Feast. You know something's a little off when someone's pet is eating better than you are — especially if said meal is caviar sushi.
Just in case you wanted to treat your kitty friend, here's a step-by-step video on how to make your own cat sushi — also known as catviar, obviously. "The first part of eating is always going to be with our eyes," says celebrity chef Simon Rimmer, as he rolls bespoke duck (and optional chicken leg) with caviar. "I think that's true of cats as well." That may be, but let's be real here: Considering your cat has been known to enjoy a meal of its own vomit, the little guy probably can't even tell the difference between catviar and Meow Mix, so why not save those Benjamins for a year's supply of catnip instead? (Gothamist)

Photo: Courtesy of Tange & Nakimushi Peanuts.

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