Beastie Boy Mike D’s Got A Crash Pad Gorgeous Family Home In BK?!

It's not that we didn't expect Beastie boy man Mike D (or shall we say Mr. Michael Diamond) to have a beautiful home. Obviously, his place was always going to be cool, but we never expected it to be so sartorially, well, perfect. Leaving a Tribeca loft for their Cobble Hill brownstone, Diamond and his wife, director Tamra Davis, have set up the most lovely, renovated living space for their family (they have two boys), full of custom pieces, and of course, a little bit of edge.
From the Tord Boontje chandelier that the pair agree is the "most beautiful they've ever seen," to the eco-friendly artificial grass in the backyard, to the fully mirrored Rajasthani palace swing (gifted to Diamond and Davis by Diamond's mother), inspiring oddities can be found in every corner of the 3,200-square-foot house. Our personal favorites? The custom Moonrise Kingdom inspired home theater and Brooklyn-inspired toile Diamond designed himself. "No Sleep Till Brooklyn," indeed. Click through for the full tour. Trust us, it's good. (NY Times)

Photo: Via NY Times

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