The Top 5 Restos & Watering Holes In S.F. — Straight From Eater S.F.’s Editor

Every San Franciscan knows that tech and food are king in this city. And the folks chronicling the events in either of those industries are kind of a big deal themselves. Case in point: Eater S.F. editor, Carolyn Alburger, who helms the local edition of the must-read blog, chronicling the Bay Area's boundary-breaking cuisine scene on the daily. Since Alburger has clearly tried pretty much everything out there, we thought it only right to tap the hardworking (and oh-so pretty) lady, and get her hands-down top five favorite spots in the city. Believe us, the results — which range from swanky joints to lowbrow wonders — might surprise you. Bonus: Alburger kept it stylish during our grubbing and boozing date and there's nary a stretchy eating pant in sight. Take notes, and add these venues (and outfit ideas) to your must-hit list. Bon appétit!
Photographed by Molly DeCoudreaux