What Going-Out Makeup Looks Like On 7 New Yorkers

Photographed by Sunny Shokrae.
You never know who you'll see walking down the streets of New York. Maybe you'll run into a celebrity or an old roommate from college or that date you ghosted a few months back. But sometimes it's the faces you don't know as you pass by that make a lasting impression — especially if said faces are wearing metallic stars on their cheeks, bold orange eyeshadow, or crazy-thick eyelashes. Those are some IRL beauty looks you won't soon forget.
We spotted these seven women on the streets of New York as they were about to head out for the night, each rocking a beauty look cooler than anything we've tried lately. So we broke one of the cardinal rules of living in the city: We stopped them in their tracks for a chat (and a few pictures). Once they realized we weren't trying to have them sign a petition, they opened up about their nightlife philosophies and current obsessions. That's all well and good, but we know what you really want is details on exactly how to get each look. Makeup artist Stephanie Peterson gave us the rundown of tips and tricks you need to recreate these looks yourself, using a few key Maybelline products. Because hey, you never really know who you'll run into, so make your makeup count.

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