Chris Hemsworth Brought His Brothers To Saturday Night Live

Because one gorgeous Hemsworth specimen isn't enough, Chris Hemsworth brought his two—uh, make that three—equally talented and easy-to-look-at brothers on Saturday Night Live last night (Hi Liam!).
Like his siblings Chris, Liam and Luke, Chris's fourth brother, Callum, a.k.a. Kenan Thompson, is an actor—who stars in videos about snacks in the workplace. Which we would very much like to see. The Hemsworth clan's "mum," clad in outback-lite gear, also popped by (the actor's real "mum" occasionally appears alongside her actor son on the red carpet) and offered a few choice comments about her ruggishly-handsome brood.  Hemsworth is set to pick up Thor's hammer again in May, for the upcoming Avenger's movie, and he also reprised the role on SNL. The whole bit was sweetened with Hemsworth's first tweet, called, "My first tweet." Aw!

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