Great! Offensive Anti-Hillary Buttons Are Already Here

It's nice to believe we live in a world where women can be judged for their actions, words, and abilities, but some jerk always has to come in and ruin the fun totally reasonable scenario of the way things ought to be. Case in point: These very disgusting anti-Hillary-Clinton buttons were spotted at the GOP convention in California. Carla Marinucci, senior political writer at the San Francisco Chronicle, noticed them outside a VIP reception area and tweeted a photo yesterday.
Marinucci noted that several attendees at the convention shared her concern and offered to remove the buttons themselves — and indeed, they were later taken down, though it's not yet clear by whom.
The buzz about Clinton's potential 2016 presidential run is at an all-time high right now after her recent interview in New York; we even noticed some gun-jumping, pro-Hillary gear back in August. So, it's no surprise that opponents would be revving up their engines for some hardcore anti-campaigning. And while we may not be surprised, we are incredibly disappointed and disturbed at this completely inappropriate approach. It is, unfortunately, probably just the tip of the iceberg. If Clinton does decide to run — and despite current fluctuations in public opinion, the jury is still very much out — there's no doubt that this kind of stuff will run rampant. Whatever there is to be said about her political worthiness or lack thereof, can we all just agree to vocally and vehemently prevent this kind of non-dialogue from spreading? That way, we can get down to debating the issues that really matter for a politician, not to mention avoid the kind of body-shaming that does tremendous harm to women everywhere. (The Huffington Post)

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