More 20-Something Dudes Are Living At Home Than Ever

If you're a millennial (read: ages 18-31), chances are you know someone living with his or her parents. Thanks to a still-struggling economy and unemployment rate, more and more recent college graduates have struggled with getting on their own two feet — and more often than not, the solution is to shack up with Mom and Dad (sorry, empty nesters!).
According to a new study by the Pew Research Center, the number of couch dwellers is higher than ever, with young men taking the brunt of things. A whopping 40 percent of all millennial males are living with their parents, which is the highest percentage in four decades. The study is quick to offer an explanation, which includes all the usual factors like rising college enrollment and declining marriages. To make a long study short, the outlook for young males is relatively bleak, and it doesn't seem to be getting better anytime soon.
So, what's the takeaway here? First off, all of us who struggle with feeling like late bloomers, or comparing ourselves to the millennial outliers who are buying their own homes, getting married, or just generally making bank, can stop thinking we're the only ones who haven't attained the lofty goals we set for ourselves. If you're shacking up with your parents while you search for the perfect job or apply to countless law schools, you're not alone. And, of course, it could always be worse. (Jezebel)
oPhoto: Via Jezebel

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