More Than Half Of Fashion Workers Are Unhappy With Their Jobs

We've all probably taken a job before that doesn't make us jump out of bed each morning, but, hey, it pays the bills. Sadly, it seems that a great deal of these jobs are within the fashion workforce. WWD reports today on the findings of the 2013 Salary and Job Market Report, conducted by recruitment firm 24 Seven, and the results show that only 48% of workers in the fashion industry are satisfied in their current position, a 3% decrease from last year and now a majority of the population. In fact, according to the study, 86% of these workers are looking for a way out and a career that improves their quality of life.
Despite the surprising and quite depressing findings — especially for those who work in fashion and think our jobs are pretty awesome — WWD points out these numbers are not an indication of salary. Within the last year, salaries rose by 6% and one third of fashion employees say their paychecks saw a 10% increase, the report claims. Of course, money can't buy happiness, which seems to be exactly what's missing from more than half of the fashion workforce. Read the full report and more stats in the link ahead. (WWD)

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