Subway Stalking! 60+ Real NYers En Route

For many, riding the subway is just part of the daily grind. Swipe your card, run down the stairs, miss the train. Wait for the next one, pile in, turn up the volume on your music, walk past that busker. Go to work, and eight to 10 hours later repeat in reverse. But, we want to put an end to all that. Take off the headphones, put down the book, stop eating that takeout. (Seriously: You're stinkin' up the train car!) Instead, it’s time to get a little friendly with your fellow New Yorkers.
We promise, the subway's a lot friendlier than you think. And, just to prove our point, we set out to snap 50 stylish (and nice!) New Yorkers on their commutes. After this slideshow, the NYC MTA might just become the place where everybody knows your name, where everybody's glad you came. Well, maybe we shouldn’t go that far…
Click through for 50 snaps from the NYC subways. Happy travels!