BUST: Pores don’t physically open and shut. Pores house hair follicles and sebaceous glands that secrete oil. When the glands release excess oil, the pores dilate to let oil escape; which leads to seemingly larger pores.
For years we’ve been told that chocolate causes pimples and makeup will make us break out, but is any of that really true? Tap over to find out.
So while your pores won’t open and close on demand, there is some good news! You can make your pores appear smaller with weekly exfoliation, retinol products, and laser treatments.
BUST: We all want to know the cause of that annoying zit and how we can prevent it from returning in the future. That’s where ancient face-mapping is supposed to seemingly save the day.
Face mapping is an ancient practice that connects the location of a breakout to an organ in the body. While it may be possible that imbalance in an organ might have triggered the zit on your cheek, there isn’t concrete science behind it and isn’t an accurate diagnosis of acne.
BUST: Some ingredients found in toothpaste, like baking soda, might even help dry up a zit, and the methanol in toothpaste can create a tingling feeling that can provide temporary relief. But there’s a catch.
Your skin is much more sensitive than teeth so using toothpaste can be irritating and too harsh. In fact, toothpaste on a zit may cause redness and peeling. Swipe up for acne-busting ingredients that actually work.
MYTH: Well, it depends on the pill. Combined contraceptive pills containing estrogen and progesterone can help control breakouts.
However, mini pills only containing progesterone can create oily skin, which may lead to acne. Swipe up to learn more about contraceptive pills and acne.
BUST: Acne isn’t curable. That pesky pimple is the last step of the sometimes weeks-long journey of acne making its way to the surface of your skin. While a spot treatment on that pimple is perfectly fine, it won’t prevent acne in the future.
The good news: preventative measures can help. Always practice good hygiene and exfoliate each week to get rid of excess dead skin. Look for topical acne products containing salicylic acid, sulfur, and benzoyl peroxide to help keep those flare-ups at bay in the future.