Kelly Cutrone Is A Bestseller, Anna Wintour Speaks At Pratt, And Bee Shaffer Doesn’t Tweet

Anna Wintour, along with fellow Vogue staffer Hamish Bowles, is speaking at the Pratt Institute for free on April 19. Parsons and FIT students must feel snubbed. (The Cut)
Speaking of Anna Wintour, her daughter, Bee Shaffer, is not on Twitter nor does she blog. Guess we should remove @iambeeshaffer from our follow list. (New York Post)
The British are coming! The BFC is hosting a three-day showroom of London-based designers at the Soho Grand. (Telegraph)

Kelly Cutrone's
If You Have to Cry, Go Outside: And Other Things Your Mother Never Told You is number 21 on the New York Times Bestsellers list. Why is everyone so surprised? (Racked)

Kristen Stewart sure could use some help from our spray tan story... (Jezebel)