Scientists Studied Who Has The Most Orgasms & It's The Least Shocking News Ever

Photographed by Lauren Perlstein.
A few years ago curious scientists found out that lesbian women have more orgasms than straight or bisexual women. Now, research published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior has inquired about who comes out on top when you compare the orgasm frequency of straight men, straight women, lesbian women, gay men, and bisexual people.
If you guessed straight men, you'd be right — and if you didn't, you haven't been paying attention.
Because, really, it shouldn't be a shock to anyone that straight men have more orgasms than anyone else. Men often focus on their own orgasm first and don't always make sure that their partner got off, too. It's so prevalent that scientists have a name for it: The orgasm gap.
It's a real problem that this research highlights. Gay men, bisexual men and lesbian women all orgasm a similar amount of the time: 89 percent, 88 percent, and 86 percent respectively, according to the study. But straight women and bisexual women fall short. While straight men were most likely to orgasm (95 percent), straight women and bisexual women were least likely to (only 65 and 66 percent of the time.)
But the researchers didn't only study how often people orgasm, they also asked about behaviors that could influence the rate. Again, their results aren't too surprising. Women who orgasmed more frequently had partners who took more time on them and focused on their pleasure. Sex lasted longer for these women, and they were more likely to be on the receiving end of oral sex.
The research also shows a picture of partners who had better communication and confidence. Those who climax more often are satisfied with their relationships, they ask for what they want in bed, try new things, and wear lingerie. In short, they take more time with their partners — partners who they trust and who make they feel sexy.
So, straight men, take note. Hopefully someday the orgasm gap will be a thing of the past and women will get to enjoy plenty of orgasms, regardless of their sexual orientation.

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